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Key Readings

The following articles and chapters from key texts were used throughout the project to provide a framework for developing and reflecting on talk in Key Stage One mathematics teaching and learning. The Exeter University materials from the Talking Counts Project provide a good starting point for classroom practice when read in conjunction with the Developing Talk section of this website. Exeter University (2002) Talking Counts Project
Ashton, J., Griffiths, G., Kaye, D., Kelly, B and Marsh, D (2011) Family mathematics/numeracy: identifying the impact of supporting parents in developing their children’s mathematical skills in Proceedings of the BSRLM 31 (1) March 2011
Barnes, D. (2008) Exploratory Talk for Learning in Mercer, D. and Hodgkinson, S (2013 edition) Exploring Talk in School London
Boaler, J. (2013) Ability and mathematics: the mindset revolution that is reshaping education FORUM No 55 Vol 1.
DCSF (2008) Independent Review of Mathematics Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools Final Report Sir Peter Williams Chapter 6 Parents and families
Department for Education (DfE) (2013) The national Curriculum in England: mathematics programme of study – key stages 1 and 2
Gifford, S., (2005) Teaching Mathematics 3-5: Developing learning in the Foundation Stage
Haylock, D with Thangata, F (2007) ‘Making Connections’ in Key Concepts in Teaching Primary Mathematics
Haylock, D and Cockburn, A (2008) Understanding Mathematics for Young Children: A Guide for Foundation Stage and Lower Primary Teachers
Haylock, D with Manning, R (2014) Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers
Hughes, M., Desforges, C., Mitchell, C and Carré, C. (2000) Numeracy and Beyond: Applying mathematics in the primary school
Koshy, V., Ernest, P. and Casey, R. (1999) Mathematics for Primary Teachers
Mason, J (2002) The Discipline of Noticing: Researching Your Own Practice
Mason, J (2010) Effective Questioning and Responding in the Mathematics Classroom
Mercer, N and Hodgkinson, S (2008 reprinted 2013) Exploring Talk in Schools
Mercer., N and Dawes, L. The Value of Exploratory Talk in Mercer, N. and Hodgkinson, S. (2008) Exploring Talk in Schools
Muir, T. Numeracy at Home: Involving Parents in Mathematics Education
Myhill, D., Jones, S., Hopper, R (2006) Talking, Listening, Learning Effective talk in the Primary Classroom
Rowland, T., Turner, F., Thwaites, Anne and Huckstep, P (2010 reprint) Developing Primary Mathematics Teaching (video clips on cd-rom included)
Thompson, I (ed) (1999) Issues in Teaching Numeracy in Primary Schools
Williams, H (2015) Role play and mathematics – a problem or a solution? In Primary Mathematics Summer 2015 Volume 19 issue 2 The Mathematical Association

Useful Books for Parents

Eastaway, R. and Askew, M. (2013 revised edition) Maths for Mums and Dads: Take the Pain out of Maths Homework
Frith, A., Lacey, M. and Gillespie L J, (2012 ed Dickins, R.) What’s Maths all about?
Gardner, K (2005 edition) Collins Maths Dictionary
Rogers, K and Large, T. Junior Illustrated Maths Dictionary (7+)

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